Rabu, 25 Maret 2015


    According to the home he said, the word "globalization" is taken from the global word, whose meaning is universal. Achmad Suparman states Globalization is a process of making something (object or behavior) as a characteristic of every individual in this world without being restricted by region Globalization does not have an established definition, but simply the definition of work (working definition), so that depends from which side one looks at it. Some view it as a social process, or the historical process, or a natural process that will bring all nations and countries around the world increasingly bound to one another, create a new order of life or the unity of co-existence by eliminating geographic boundaries, economic and cultural community.

   On the other hand, some see globalization as a project that was carried by the superpower nations, so may be people who have negative views or suspicious about it. From this standpoint, globalization is nothing but capitalism in its most recent. Countries that powerful and rich will practically control the world economies and small states increasingly powerless not being able to compete. Therefore, globalization tends to greatly affect the world economy, and even affect other areas such as culture and religion. Theodore Levitte is the person who first used the term globalization in 1985.
Scholte see that there are several definitions which meant people with globalization:
• Internationalization: Globalization is defined as an increase in international relations. In this case, individual countries retain their respective identities, but became increasingly dependent on each other.
• Liberalization: Globalization is also defined by the diturunkankan borders between countries, such as tariff barriers to exports and imports, foreign exchange flows, and migration.
• Universalising: Globalization is also described as the spread of things material and immaterial to the whole world. Experience in one locality can be a worldwide experience.
• Westernization: Westernization is one form of universalization with the spread of western thought and culture, so global.
• Relationships transplanetari and suprateritorialitas: The meaning is different from the fourth fifth definition above. In the first four definitions, each country still retains the status of ontology. On the fifth sense, the global world has its own ontology status, not just a collaboration of states.

   Characteristics of globalization
Here are some characteristics that indicate the growing phenomenon of globalization in dunia.Hilir mudiknya ships carrying goods between countries show linkages between people around the world
• Changes in space and time of Constantine. The development of items such as mobile phones, satellite television, and internet shows that global communication happens so fast, while through such a mass movement of tourism allows us to feel a lot of things from different cultures.
• Market and economic production in different countries become interdependent as a result of international trade growth, increasing influence of multinational corporations, and the dominance of such an organization the World Trade Organization (WTO).
• Increased cultural interaction through the development of mass media (especially television, movies, music, and transmission of international news and sports). Currently, we can eat and experience new ideas and experiences on matters that cross a wide range of cultures, for example in the field of fashion, literature, and the food.
• Increased joint problems, for example in the environmental field, multinational crisis, inflation and other regional.
    Kennedy and Cohen conclude that this transformation has led to the globalism, a new awareness and understanding that the world is one. Giddens asserts that most of us realize that we are actually taking part in a world that must be changed without the control which is marked by taste and a sense of interest in the same thing, change and uncertainty, and the fact that may occur. Similarly, Peter Drucker mentions era of globalization as social transformation.
The theory of globalization
    Cochrane and Pain confirms that in relation to globalization, there are three theoretical positions that can be seen, namely:
• The globalists believe that globalization is a reality that has real consequences on how people and institutions around the world running. They believe that countries and local culture will be lost buffeted by the global economic culture and homogeneous. however, the globalist do not have the same opinion about the consequences of that process.
• The positive and optimistic globalist respond well to such developments and stated that globalization will produce a world society that is tolerant and responsible.
• The pessimistic globalists argue that globalization is a negative phenomenon because it is actually a form of western colonialism (especially the United States) which forced a number of forms of culture and consumption of the homogeneous and seen as something that is true on the surface. Some of them then formed groups to oppose globalization (anti-globalization).
• The traditionalists do not believe that globalization is happening. They argue that this phenomenon is a mere myth or, if any, have been exaggerated. They consider that capitalism has become an international phenomenon for hundreds of years. What we experience today is just an advanced stage, or evolution, from production and trading capital.
• The transformasionalis be among the globalist and traditionalist. They agree that the impact of globalization has been greatly exaggerated by the globalists. However, they also argue that it is very foolish if we deny the existence of the concept. This theoretical position argues that globalization should be understood as "a set of interrelated relationships with purely through a force, most of which do not occur immediately. " They claim that this process could be reversed, especially when it is negative or, at least, can be controlled.

   History of globalization
Many historians refer to globalization as a phenomenon in the 20th century is associated with the rise of the international economy. Though interaction and globalization in international relations in the world has existed since centuries ago. When traced, the seeds of globalization have grown when humans began to recognize the trade antarnegeri around the year 1000 and 1500 AD At that time, traders from China and India began to explore another country either by road (such as the Silk Road) and the sea for trade. File: McDonalds Oslo 2.jpg Phenomenon McDonald in seluroh company grows throughout the world indicate the occurrence of globalization.
    The next phase is marked by the dominance of Muslim trade in Asia and Africa. Muslims form a trading network which include Japan, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malacca, India, Persia, the East African coast, Mediterranean Sea, Venice, and Genoa. In addition to forming a trade network, the Muslim traders also spread his religious values, names, alphabet, architecture, social and cultural value to the citizens of the Arab world.
    The next phase is marked by exploration of the world on a large scale by Europeans. Spanish, Portuguese, English and Dutch were the forerunners of this exploration. This is supported also by the industrial revolution that enhances linkages among nations of the world. various technologies began to found and become the basis of current technological developments, such as computers and the Internet. At that time, also develops colonization in the world who carry major influence on the diffusion of culture in the world.
    The continued development of industry and the need for raw materials and markets also led to many multinational companies in the world. In traditional Indonesia for example, since open-door policy, European companies to open many branches in Indonesia. Freeport and Exxon of the United States, Unilever of the Netherlands, British Petroleum of the UK are some examples. Multinational companies such as these remain the icon of globalization to date.
    The next phase went ahead and got the momentum when the cold war ended and the collapse of communism in the world. The collapse of communism as if to justify that capitalism is the best way to realize prosperity in the world. The implication, of countries in the world started to provide ourselves as a free market. This is supported also by the development of communication technology and transportation. As a result, interstate barriers began to blur.]]
    Pro-globalization movement
Proponents of globalization (often also called pro-globalization) consider that globalization can increase economic welfare and prosperity of the world community. They are based on the theory of comparative advantage which coined by David Ricardo. This theory states that a country with other countries are interdependent and mutually beneficial to each other, and one form is the dependence in the economic field. Both countries can do an exchange transaction in accordance with comparative advantage it has. For example, Japan has a comparative advantage in product digital camera (capable of printing more efficient and high quality), while Indonesia has a comparative advantage in cloth products. With this theory, Japan is advisable to stop the production of cloth and transfer of production factors to maximize the production of digital cameras, and fabric supply shortfalls by buying from Indonesia, and vice versa.
   One major obstacle is the presence of cooperation over the restrictions and protection policies of the government of a country. On the one hand, this policy can protect domestic production, but on the other hand, this will increaseproduction costs of imported goods so difficult to penetrate target country markets . The pro-globalism does not agree that there is protection and the ban, they want to do free trade policies so that prices of goods can be suppressed, consequently the demand will increase. Due to increased demand, prosperity will increase and so on.
   Some pro-globalism also criticized the World Bank and IMF, they argue that these two bodies only controlling and transferring funds to a country, not to a cooperative or company. As a result, many loans they provided falls into the hands of dictators who then embezzled and do not use these funds as it should, leaving its people in a state of debt bondage, and as a result, the level of prosperity will decline. Due to declining levels of prosperity, the state of society consequently is forced to reduce the level of consumption, including consumption of imported goods, so the pace of globalization will be hampered and - according to them - reduce the welfare of the world.

Sumber : Google

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